We all somewhere grew up hearing that good things happen with good people and bad things happen with bad ones. And, that’s how the law of karma works! That’s what most people believe, at least! These are some amazing Karma Quotes for you to better analyse the law of karma. So, when faced with adversity, pain, and trauma, we start questioning our karma. Why me? Am I a bad person? What did I do wrong? Why is all this happening to me? But is it the right way to perceive the law of karma? I think no! As humans, when we enter this world, trials and tribulations are going to be a part of our being. One cannot shy away from difficulties and pain, no matter what. They are part and parcel of our lives. Even if you are rich or poor, bad or good, or anything, adversities can knock on your door any day, without any invitation. So, there’s not always an answer for “why me?” This also puts a question mark on “why do bad things happen with good people?” The simple answer, as far as ...