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Parenting Maybe Amazing but It’s Not Easy

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Can a Narcissist Change?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is an acute condition that affects people throughout their lives. Narcissism can impact all areas of one’s life, including work, relationships and self-development. Personality disorders such as this one can be challenging to treat. The challenge is more difficult when people do not acknowledge that they have a problem. That being said, with intention, effort and commitment, it is possible for narcissists to change. If you are wondering what does a narcissist want from a relationship , it will help to first understand what narcissistic personality disorder is. NPD is a complex condition characterized by grandiose behaviours, an overinflated ego and little empathy for others. Like all other mental health issues, personality disorders too lie on a spectrum. Therefore, for milder cases, change may come easier.   Narcissists may want to change their behaviour when they are in a new relationship. If they have insight into their own patterns, they may

The Path to Cultivate Self-Love and Self Acceptance

As a child, we are often told to suppress our feelings. It has happened to me so many times that someone has tried to mock my breakdowns. Whenever I had some major failure, I tended to express my anger. However, I was told to “calm down” and stop “overreacting” while they continue to poke about my failures. I was manipulated into believing that expressing your feelings and accepting what you are - makes one an “attention-seeker”. I tried to suppress my anger issue and stopped expressing myself in front of people. However, it only deteriorated my control over my own mental health.  No one told me that crying, shouting, freaking out, stressing, over-thinking are just some of our human emotions that are just as normal as laughing, enjoying, and having fun. We always appreciate the good parts of our psyche and try to cover up the bad ones. It took me years to realize that my over-reacting or vexation ain’t my character, and there is nothing wrong with me being worried about something. It&

How to be a Good Parent?

  Raising a healthy, happy child is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. Sometimes we rely on our gut instincts and at other times we resort to the same parenting techniques our parents used while we were growing up. Good parenting helps foster qualities like honesty, empathy, kindness, cheerfulness, cooperation, self-reliance and self-control in children. It promotes intellectual curiosity while instilling a desire to achieve. It also protects children from developing depression, anxiety, eating disorders, antisocial behavior or substance abuse. So if you’re wondering how to be a good parent, here are some parenting tips that can help you.   1. Set an example Whether it’s the way you treat yourself or those around you, your children are constantly learning from you. Try not to react in the spur of a moment and always reflect on what it is that you want to achieve with your behavior.   2. Spoil your kids with love This is one of the most important parenting tips you’ll co

Why Bad Things Happen With Good People: Is Karma For Real?

We all somewhere grew up hearing that good things happen with good people and bad things happen with bad ones.  And, that’s how the law of karma works! That’s what most people believe, at least! These are some amazing Karma Quotes for you to better analyse the law of karma.  So, when faced with adversity, pain, and trauma, we start questioning our karma. Why me? Am I a bad person? What did I do wrong? Why is all this happening to me? But is it the right way to perceive the law of karma? I think no! As humans, when we enter this world, trials and tribulations are going to be a part of our being. One cannot shy away from difficulties and pain, no matter what. They are part and parcel of our lives. Even if you are rich or poor, bad or good, or anything, adversities can knock on your door any day, without any invitation.  So, there’s not always an answer for “why me?” This also puts a question mark on “why do bad things happen with good people?” The simple answer, as far as I know, is it

How To Program Your Subconscious Mind To Form New Habits?

Why are most of us not living the life we always wanted? Why are we not truly content with ourselves? Want to become our best version, but not really breaking the habit of being yourself ? Have you ever wondered? Well, it can be mainly because of the habits we want to inculcate in our lives but are not able to. As they say, your present habits determine your future! We try with all our willpower and motivation but fail to form new healthy habits and how to be at peace with yourself .  Not to mention, when it comes to the manifestation of your thoughts and feelings, your subconscious mind is the boss. Yes! It makes or breaks things in a massive manner.  We cannot achieve success in our life without having our subconscious minds aligned with the desired actions. In this whole tussle of the conscious and subconscious mind, almost 95% of the time, the latter wins, and how! Because…. Your subconscious mind is the most powerful. It processes some of the deeply involved functions in our body

How to be Happy: Footnotes

The things that make us happy vary vastly with our age and circumstances. What made us happy at age 4 is not likely to make us happy at 34 (though if it does, congratulations! You’ve already cracked the happiness code and don’t need this article.) Where an extra biscuit at snack-time would have had us squealing with joy at 4 years old, it’s a gourmet dinner that will likely satisfy us at 34 years old. Thus, happiness is a state of mind . What if we could bring back the joy we felt, at 4 years old, for an extra biscuit? Imagine the innumerable joys we would experience then, every single day. Almost every moment would become a cause for celebration. Here’s how to be happy . Cast aside your self-doubt and uncertainty, embrace this list, and watch your life transform! Play in the rain. Ask for rainbow sprinkles on your ice cream. Dial a random number, ask them if their refrigerator is running. If they say yes, ask them to catch it before it gets away! Call up someone you love and tell t